It is doubtful whether there is anyone on earth who has not had a headache. Of all the headaches, those who have experienced this condition are well aware that migraine is an unbearable pain. Modern science confirms that no cause has been found for this condition. But doctors who use holistic medicine, such as ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese acupuncture, and homeopathy, know that this condition can be cured.
In this article we are not trying to tell you about the relevant medications, but to give you some knowledge about the cause of migraine and how to treat the condition.
For us to feel pain, there must be pain-sensitive nerves at the site of the relevant pain. Such nerves are present in many parts of the body. These pain-sensing neurons are common, especially near our skin. The human brain has no pain-sensing neurons. Because of this we can understand that headache is not a pain related to the brain. There are skulls on the outside of the brain, muscles on the outside, and arteries and veins that carry blood on the outside. It is important to understand where this pain is occurring. When a headache occurs, if the hand is moved along the two arteries on either side of the forehead, it is very clear that the pain is in those arteries. Because of this, applying balms that claim to relieve pain in the affected area is a common practice.
For these reasons, it is important to have some knowledge of arteries and veins in the first place. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry pure blood from the heart to the body cells. Veins are the blood vessels that carry impure blood back to the heart. Usually the arteries are on the inside and the veins are on the outside. Blood vessels are sensitive to temperature. The temperature of the arteries that enter the body is usually body temperature, and changes in body temperature occur when a disease occurs. As a result, blood flow in the arteries is normal. (A description of this is below) The vascular wall of the arteries is covered with somewhat thick muscle. But not so in the veins. The veins have a very thin layer of muscle. Inside the veins are valves that allow blood to flow to only one arm. For this reason alone, blood never goes in the wrong direction. The increase in muscle density in the arteries is due to the contraction of the arteries to carry the blood forward. The artery contracts and pushes the blood forward. This contraction of the arteries makes us feel like a pulse. The pulse is usually felt by inserting a finger into an artery that runs over a bone. The wrist and forehead are the two best places for this. Although doctors used to examine the pulse and gain some knowledge about the heartbeat, there was a methodology used in ancient medicine to diagnose a number of diseases in the body through the pulse. At present the situation is slowly disappearing. That is our misfortune. The pulse is usually felt by inserting a finger into an artery that runs over a bone. The wrist and forehead are the two best places for this. Although doctors used to examine the pulse and gain some knowledge about the heartbeat, there was an ancient medical system that used to diagnose a number of diseases in the body through the pulse. At present the situation is slowly disappearing. That is our misfortune. The pulse is usually felt by inserting a finger into an artery that runs over a bone. The wrist and forehead are the two best places for this. Although doctors used to examine the pulse and gain some knowledge about the heartbeat, there was a methodology used in ancient medicine to diagnose a number of diseases in the body through the pulse. At present the situation is slowly disappearing. That is our misfortune.
Cholesterol buildup in the arteries also causes a decrease in the volume inside the arteries. This also causes high blood pressure as the blood travels in the arteries, causing pain sensory neurons to stimulate and cause pain.
The arteries and veins must have the following facilities to perform this function properly.
The contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the arteries should be done properly.
The elasticity of the blood vessels must be maintained properly.
Calcium is essential for the contraction of muscles in our body. We generally know that calcium is needed for bones and teeth. But calcium is the most important mineral that regulates the acidity of our body. Calcium is needed in our body to contract not only the blood vessels but any muscle in the body. Therefore, if a person is calcium deficient, his muscles will not contract properly. This condition mainly affects the heart and arteries, which have muscles that often contract and relax. These two minerals are very important nutrients that determine one's life and death. Also, a muscle must contract spontaneously after it has contracted. We need magnesium in our body for that to happen. When a person is magnesium deficient, the contracted muscle does not regenerate. Magnesium is important for the heart and arteries, which are often constricted and relaxed. Anyone who knows the pain caused by a contracted muscle not being able to relax again is well aware of the pain caused by a fracture of the tendon. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Anyone who knows the pain caused by a contracted muscle not being able to relax again is well aware of the pain caused by a fracture of the tendon. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Anyone who knows the pain caused by a contracted muscle not being able to relax again is well aware of the pain caused by a fracture of the tendon. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms.
In addition, as mentioned above, the muscles in the arterial walls of the head are unable to relax after a certain contraction, which causes great pain. Many people think that this is due to stress and fatigue. But the real cause is calcium and magnesium deficiency. Adding these nutrients to our diet can alleviate this condition.
We need to have copper in our daily diet to maintain the elasticity of the blood vessels. When our body suffers from a copper deficiency, the valves in the arteries or veins do not contract properly and the vessels begin to tighten due to lack of flexibility. This causes the pressure inside the tubes to increase in the same way as above. This causes pain in the artery due to stimulation of the pain sensory nerve. All we need to do to get rid of this condition is to add copper to our diet on a regular basis.
In addition to both of these functions, our body performs an amazing number of functions. If more blood is needed in a particular part of our body, the arteries will dilate and allow the blood to flow. This function is similar to that of the cornea of the eye. The nucleus is known to contract when exposed to high light and expanded when exposed to low light. This process in the arteries is caused by a hormone called prostaglandins, which is produced by our body. Prostaglandins are not available to us externally. All we need to do is add to our diet the fatty acids (omega 3/6) needed to produce prostaglandins. Thus, if we can maintain prostaglandin levels at a healthy level, we can control blood pressure. Otherwise, as mentioned above, when the blood pressure rises, the pain sensory nerve activation causes severe pain. Thus, the lack of fatty acids (omega 3/6) in our body can be another cause of headaches.
The blood vessels in our head vibrate as well as the cooling system that comes from the radiator in the engine of a vehicle. This is especially true of blood vessels that run close to the skin of the body. The blood vessels outside our skull perform this function very well. As the sun rises during the day, our head feels the heat very well. Our natural cooling system also works so that the brain in the skull does not feel the heat of the heat. This causes the body to pump more blood into the scalp. At this time, prostaglandins dilate the blood vessels to control blood pressure. However, if the production of prostaglandins in our body is not done properly, the pain will increase due to the increase in blood pressure and the activation of the pain sensory nerve as mentioned above. The ancients, who knew that this condition was caused by the heat of the sun, named this headache as migraine, which means the headache caused by the sun. Our body is naturally ready to face this situation caused by the rising sun. But due to the lack of essential nutrients that the body needs to produce the hormones needed to alleviate this condition, we have to respond to a warning signal given by nature itself. Pain signals to us that the brain, the most important part of our body, is in some kind of disorder. But what we do do is use a painkiller that can weaken the nerve that emits the signal, or use some kind of medicine or balm to reduce the high blood pressure. Sometimes we apply a volatile liquid such as Audi clone to the head to reduce the temperature of the head. This also provides a temporary solution. I think you can feel how it happens now. Ask yourself in your mind how wise this corn is in the long run. If we can understand that what nature has given us is the right thing to do, then we are not all healthy people. Even though we get temporary relief through gratitude, in the long run we only get regrets. Sometimes we apply a volatile liquid such as Audi clone to the scalp to reduce the temperature of the scalp. This also provides a temporary solution. I think you can feel how it happens now. Ask yourself in your mind how wise this corn is in the long run. If we can understand that what nature has given us is the right thing to do, then we are not all healthy people. Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing. Sometimes we apply a volatile liquid such as Audi clone to the scalp to reduce the temperature of the scalp. This also provides a temporary solution. I think you can feel how it happens now. Ask yourself in your mind how wise this corn is in the long run. If we can understand that what nature has given us is the right thing to do, then we are not all healthy people. Even though we get temporary relief through gratitude, in the long run we only get regrets.
Considering the above, if someone is deficient in calcium, magnesium, copper, omega 3 and omega 6, it is one of the most severe headaches we can experience. All we need to do to control this condition is give our body the proper nutrition. Chlorella Sorokiniana Algae and Spirulina are two of the most nutritious superfoods out of all these nutrients. The following is a summary of the nutritional components of Chlorella Sorokiniana Algae and Spirulina.
How our body can get back the nutrients it needs to get rid of headaches.
In this article we are not trying to tell you about the relevant medications, but to give you some knowledge about the cause of migraine and how to treat the condition.
For us to feel pain, there must be pain-sensitive nerves at the site of the relevant pain. Such nerves are present in many parts of the body. These pain-sensing neurons are common, especially near our skin. The human brain has no pain-sensing neurons. Because of this we can understand that headache is not a pain related to the brain. There are skulls on the outside of the brain, muscles on the outside, and arteries and veins that carry blood on the outside. It is important to understand where this pain is occurring. When a headache occurs, if the hand is moved along the two arteries on either side of the forehead, it is very clear that the pain is in those arteries. Because of this, applying balms that claim to relieve pain in the affected area is a common practice.
For these reasons, it is important to have some knowledge of arteries and veins in the first place. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry pure blood from the heart to the body cells. Veins are the blood vessels that carry impure blood back to the heart. Usually the arteries are on the inside and the veins are on the outside. Blood vessels are sensitive to temperature. The temperature of the arteries that enter the body is usually body temperature, and changes in body temperature occur when a disease occurs. As a result, blood flow in the arteries is normal. (A description of this is below) The vascular wall of the arteries is covered with somewhat thick muscle. But not so in the veins. The veins have a very thin layer of muscle. Inside the veins are valves that allow blood to flow to only one arm. For this reason alone, blood never goes in the wrong direction. The increase in muscle density in the arteries is due to the contraction of the arteries to carry the blood forward. The artery contracts and pushes the blood forward. This contraction of the arteries makes us feel like a pulse. The pulse is usually felt by inserting a finger into an artery that runs over a bone. The wrist and forehead are the two best places for this. Although doctors used to examine the pulse and gain some knowledge about the heartbeat, there was a methodology used in ancient medicine to diagnose a number of diseases in the body through the pulse. At present the situation is slowly disappearing. That is our misfortune. The pulse is usually felt by inserting a finger into an artery that runs over a bone. The wrist and forehead are the two best places for this. Although doctors used to examine the pulse and gain some knowledge about the heartbeat, there was an ancient medical system that used to diagnose a number of diseases in the body through the pulse. At present the situation is slowly disappearing. That is our misfortune. The pulse is usually felt by inserting a finger into an artery that runs over a bone. The wrist and forehead are the two best places for this. Although doctors used to examine the pulse and gain some knowledge about the heartbeat, there was a methodology used in ancient medicine to diagnose a number of diseases in the body through the pulse. At present the situation is slowly disappearing. That is our misfortune.
Cholesterol buildup in the arteries also causes a decrease in the volume inside the arteries. This also causes high blood pressure as the blood travels in the arteries, causing pain sensory neurons to stimulate and cause pain.
The arteries and veins must have the following facilities to perform this function properly.
The contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the arteries should be done properly.
The elasticity of the blood vessels must be maintained properly.
Calcium is essential for the contraction of muscles in our body. We generally know that calcium is needed for bones and teeth. But calcium is the most important mineral that regulates the acidity of our body. Calcium is needed in our body to contract not only the blood vessels but any muscle in the body. Therefore, if a person is calcium deficient, his muscles will not contract properly. This condition mainly affects the heart and arteries, which have muscles that often contract and relax. These two minerals are very important nutrients that determine one's life and death. Also, a muscle must contract spontaneously after it has contracted. We need magnesium in our body for that to happen. When a person is magnesium deficient, the contracted muscle does not regenerate. Magnesium is important for the heart and arteries, which are often constricted and relaxed. Anyone who knows the pain caused by a contracted muscle not being able to relax again is well aware of the pain caused by a fracture of the tendon. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Anyone who knows the pain caused by a contracted muscle not being able to relax again is well aware of the pain caused by a fracture of the tendon. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Anyone who knows the pain caused by a contracted muscle not being able to relax again is well aware of the pain caused by a fracture of the tendon. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Similarly, if the arteries do not relax after constriction, the blood pressure in the arteries will increase. This is because the cavity in the artery is small. This condition is caused by stimulation of the pain sensory nerves connected to the blood vessels. This causes pain in the area where the blood vessel is located. This is one of the reasons for headaches. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms. Thus, we need to include essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium in our diet to keep the arteries contracting and relaxing properly. There is no permanent solution to the problem of controlling blood pressure or using balms.
In addition, as mentioned above, the muscles in the arterial walls of the head are unable to relax after a certain contraction, which causes great pain. Many people think that this is due to stress and fatigue. But the real cause is calcium and magnesium deficiency. Adding these nutrients to our diet can alleviate this condition.
We need to have copper in our daily diet to maintain the elasticity of the blood vessels. When our body suffers from a copper deficiency, the valves in the arteries or veins do not contract properly and the vessels begin to tighten due to lack of flexibility. This causes the pressure inside the tubes to increase in the same way as above. This causes pain in the artery due to stimulation of the pain sensory nerve. All we need to do to get rid of this condition is to add copper to our diet on a regular basis.
In addition to both of these functions, our body performs an amazing number of functions. If more blood is needed in a particular part of our body, the arteries will dilate and allow the blood to flow. This function is similar to that of the cornea of the eye. The nucleus is known to contract when exposed to high light and expanded when exposed to low light. This process in the arteries is caused by a hormone called prostaglandins, which is produced by our body. Prostaglandins are not available to us externally. All we need to do is add to our diet the fatty acids (omega 3/6) needed to produce prostaglandins. Thus, if we can maintain prostaglandin levels at a healthy level, we can control blood pressure. Otherwise, as mentioned above, when the blood pressure rises, the pain sensory nerve activation causes severe pain. Thus, the lack of fatty acids (omega 3/6) in our body can be another cause of headaches.
The blood vessels in our head vibrate as well as the cooling system that comes from the radiator in the engine of a vehicle. This is especially true of blood vessels that run close to the skin of the body. The blood vessels outside our skull perform this function very well. As the sun rises during the day, our head feels the heat very well. Our natural cooling system also works so that the brain in the skull does not feel the heat of the heat. This causes the body to pump more blood into the scalp. At this time, prostaglandins dilate the blood vessels to control blood pressure. However, if the production of prostaglandins in our body is not done properly, the pain will increase due to the increase in blood pressure and the activation of the pain sensory nerve as mentioned above. The ancients, who knew that this condition was caused by the heat of the sun, named this headache as migraine, which means the headache caused by the sun. Our body is naturally ready to face this situation caused by the rising sun. But due to the lack of essential nutrients that the body needs to produce the hormones needed to alleviate this condition, we have to respond to a warning signal given by nature itself. Pain signals to us that the brain, the most important part of our body, is in some kind of disorder. But what we do do is use a painkiller that can weaken the nerve that emits the signal, or use some kind of medicine or balm to reduce the high blood pressure. Sometimes we apply a volatile liquid such as Audi clone to the head to reduce the temperature of the head. This also provides a temporary solution. I think you can feel how it happens now. Ask yourself in your mind how wise this corn is in the long run. If we can understand that what nature has given us is the right thing to do, then we are not all healthy people. Even though we get temporary relief through gratitude, in the long run we only get regrets. Sometimes we apply a volatile liquid such as Audi clone to the scalp to reduce the temperature of the scalp. This also provides a temporary solution. I think you can feel how it happens now. Ask yourself in your mind how wise this corn is in the long run. If we can understand that what nature has given us is the right thing to do, then we are not all healthy people. Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing. Sometimes we apply a volatile liquid such as Audi clone to the scalp to reduce the temperature of the scalp. This also provides a temporary solution. I think you can feel how it happens now. Ask yourself in your mind how wise this corn is in the long run. If we can understand that what nature has given us is the right thing to do, then we are not all healthy people. Even though we get temporary relief through gratitude, in the long run we only get regrets.
Considering the above, if someone is deficient in calcium, magnesium, copper, omega 3 and omega 6, it is one of the most severe headaches we can experience. All we need to do to control this condition is give our body the proper nutrition. Chlorella Sorokiniana Algae and Spirulina are two of the most nutritious superfoods out of all these nutrients. The following is a summary of the nutritional components of Chlorella Sorokiniana Algae and Spirulina.
How our body can get back the nutrients it needs to get rid of headaches.